I've talked about red velvet before, but really, I don't think the picture I had as a red velvet cupcake was much. So, I had an order today from a lady twenty minutes south of Fresno, her order consist of one dozen Red Velvet and one dozen Strawberry Lemon. I'm assuming its for Valentines Day, what better than to give the one you truly love a cupcake? nothing. I think a cupcake is perfect. You can give your cupcake a cupcake and then cupcake later on, if you know what I'm sayin' really like cuddle up and watch a movie while eating cupcakes. That's what I'm saying. I'm not really into celebrating Valentines Day, for one I think if you truly love someone you should show them how you feel everyday not just one day out of the year, and two if you think that a gift will bring fate, youre wrong, fate doesn't exist in this blog. Well, whatever, I don't celebrate it, but my customers do, and that's just another perfect excuse to bake, which I definitely do not mind at all!
The night before I had another order, this one was tricky. It was half pumpkin spice, and half chocolate w/ chocolate and a strawberry. Those ruled. see for yourself, you don't even have to taste them to know that they were already a hit:

Here are a few other pictures:

yeah, I get carried away, so what.
All cupcakes are vegan.