
Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes (vegan)

Phew. These cupcakes took forever to make. But they are worth every single second put into them. I never really messed around with trying to bake cinnamon rolls because it seemed so hard to do let alone looking at one of those fucking buns gives me the worst toothache ever. But I said what the hell I got time its Sunday I invited my mom over for dinner I might as well make an impression. So I made these. They had to rise two times before going into the oven. Finish product? Absolutely awesome and delicious. Worth it. While they baked I could smell them up in my room. It reminded me of the fair which happens to be in town as I type, I won't be attending this year just like last year. Oh well, it happens. My mom took a few home to show off to her coworkers at work the next day. :) Proud of myself.


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