is close. 14 more days and the excitement begins. Well, I think it already started in my house and the excitement is just getting higher as time is going by and the days are counting down. Too stoked for Halloween, its my favorite. Every year I attempt to make sugar Halloween cookies but always fail. I think I'll stick to Cupcakes, its in my blood. These cupcakes were from last year for my little sisters classroom party. How fucking cool was she? taking these cute, delicious & vegan cupcakes to class. Dang, I wish I was as cool at nine years young as her. I wasn't, I still haven't even reached the line of cool. It happens. This years Halloween cupcakes have to top last years. I know I can come up with something amazing. This year for Halloween is crazy cupcake baking. I got a few orders in for parties. Whaaaaaaaat? I'm excited. :) Staring back at these pictures makes me more excited about getting to bake these orders. Plus, I get to add more blog entries to this site which is a bonus.
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