
Red Velvet Cupcakes

Rule they needed another blog. I shouldn't be doing this because I have an exam tomorrow morning. I should really be studying. Well, okay I won't take credit for any of this, it seems similar to what I was going to write about plus I really should just go ahead and study. :[
so here you go read and awe:
"Red velvet cake also known as the $100 dollar cake, $200 dollar cake, or Waldorph Astoria Cake is only a legend as is the Nieman Marcus cookies and all are examples of a legend that pits institutions against a consumer who feels he/she has been unfairly charged.The recipe is a grass roots recipe not an institutional one. Most all call for cake flour and buttermilk, baking soda and vinegar for the leaving process. The redness of the cake comes from red food color despite the chemical reaction of baking soda, vinegar , buttermilk and cocoa which cause a reddish brown color, not red in the cake. This cake is moist and red with a velvety texture and the flavor nondistinctive as is most red velvet cakes. Red Velvet cake is also cultural as recipes differ in community cookbooks accross America even as to the type of frosting for the cake. The moistest cake is one made with oil and cake flour.The amount of food color is up to you.Start with 2 teaspoons as a base."

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