Cupcake Contest
While picking up a meal from Food Not Bombs in downtown Fresno. My intentions of getting my hands on some tasty vegan soup were met, well, I didn't get my hands on soup I got my hands on some yummy pasta. Its always a good thing when its cold in Fresno. I was told about a cupcake contest going on Dec. 10th 2009. Its a benefit for Food Not Bombs (if you decide to sell your cupcakes) which I am down for. I love what FNB does for the community. So, the contest part there are three catagories: Most Creative, Best Tasting, & Best Decorated. One wins a price if they are chosen. I don't know the word on the street who will be the judge but I think StaySweetCupcakes has a big chance of being the lucky one of these three. Anyone can enter. $3 gets you a place. You bring your cupcake/cupcakes. Remember this is a nonprofit everyone is welcomed t attend no money will be made (to yourself) but will be benefitting F.N.B. So if you are interest or have questions email: RTASAMI@GMAIL.COM