
Maple Cupcake (vegan)

Yeah, I wish I can say more than just maple. It sounds too plain. I know maple, maple... it doesn't even sound like it would taste good. "What are those?" "Maple Cupcakes" "Oh, yumm- wait what? Maple? That's interesting" "Yup."

All I got to say these only sound bad, but they are delicious. Its really hard to describe the taste of these cupcakes. It was not bad it was really good but what do you call something that I really good but you never tried in your life? I can't describe it or compare it to anything I have ever tried. Weird. Well, I guess this gives me a new taste to add to all my past taste, ha ha. I don't even know what I am talking about now. I hate updating through my phone, because I just do. Alright I'm done with this post.



  1. Maple sounds good to me! Although, I've never tried "real" maple syrup. Is that what you used? If so, how much does it cost there? Over here it costs about 15 euro for a cup. So insane. I really want to try baking with it though!

  2. Yeah, I used real maple syrup. Its pretty pricey here as well it was like 10 bucks for a 12oz. I used like half of the bottle on this recipe already. And I didn't make the Maple Frosting 'cause that would of just used up all the bottle. And I'm pretty broke when no one wants cupcakes ha ha so I can't always afford it. The taste well, it has a very slight difference but you can totally tell that its real and not "fake" ha ha or whatever. Thats why I was like "maple cupcakes?" weird. But they are very yummy. :]
