If someone used that pick up line on me, I'd probably instantly rip my heart out and give them it, not really. That does not even make any sense. But what does make sense is having cupcakes a your birthday party, duh.
A very lovely lady and very awesome friend of mine purchased a few dozen of cupcakes to have at her birthday, she was kind of enough to let me do them for her! I was definitely down and really happy she wanted me to bake them up for her and best of all make them completely vegan! (she is not vegan!) that was the best part. I had this order since January! So, of course I was surprised this day was finally here (March 7th, 2010) I know, I know, I've been slacking with these updates, I hardly ever have free time anymore, school is killing me, I'm getting as much help as I need, I'm putting in job applications every where, ugh, enough about me it came pretty fast, if you ask me. But don't because I just told you. So, anyways. Her order consisted of four dozens: Red Velvet (Red Head), Color me stoked, Punk n spice, and Blue Berry Lemon creme. An order that is full of flavor. Tons of yumminess! YUM YUM YUMS. I took a few pictures of the Blueberry Lemon creme, but not of the rest! which bums me out, :(. But, its alright, I was lucky enough that she had took a few pictures of them at her party. rad.
on another note today is my dad's birthday: Happy Birthday pops! Love you much!
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