I know it has been forever, a day, and possibly ten minutes since I have updated this! I'm so bummed out I haven't kept up with this, but my life doesn't stop. Well, it will stop when I'm dead, but that is not the case. I been a bit busy with Summer, work, hanging out, shows, baseball season, swimming and being lazy. But during that time I have been baking it up tearing it up in the kitchen and I'm beyond stoked on that. So, shirts are coming soon stay patient they will get here. Last month which was May I baked a bunch of goodies. My last post was an 'ice cream cake' that did not come out as awesome as I thought, well, the responses were positive and the cake was yummy but it needed a lot more ice cream, but after that I had an order in for vegan ice cream cake. and I know I had to do it much much better. I'm not much of a cake decorator (duh) but I tried my hardest and I'm pretty sure it was a win. This order was strawberries and chocolate, enough said. Who doesn't like strawberries and chocolate? unless you're allergic then I would understand, but if you're not then you're crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy. But overall these ice cream cakes were fun to make. I know my camera sucks but bare with me I only use my phone camera for pictures of cupcakes and other baked goods. The second one was a peanut butter ice cream cake I made for my sisters birthday it was such a good cake. Peanut butter rules. Also, I decided to re-decorate some cupcakes I already make, my favorite (funfetti) now has a twist to it to make it better I packed sprinkles on top of the frosting it looks pretty fancy and for the cookies and cream I just decided to do it with a regular vannilla cupcake and some crushed up cookies mixed together. Its funny I don't usually use oreo cookies for these cupcakes when I make cookies and cream, but I had a packet laying around the house and decided to go ahead and use them up. I think these two cupcakes rule even more. This blog has tons of random pictures to make up for the time lost. I also did a few for a luau party that happened this pass weekend. I made some pineapple right side up cupcakes and funfetti new style cupcakes. As soon as these cupcakes were laid out they got eaten, it was crazy. I also made a giant cupcake for my roommate doug my sisters boyfriend. But it was a cookies and cream one and it was awesome, even though I didn't eat it the way it came out was just nice. They took it up to Tracy his hometown and enjoyed it there. Pretty sure it was a win. Any ways, I'll stop ranting about nothing and just show ya'll the pictures. here they are:

Thats all. I will try to keep on top with posting.