because my hate for the LA DODGERS grows every day. No joke, I am definitely not a fan of southern California. Why? because its boring, overrated, and everything there sucks. I don't know what the hype is...I guess that is just me. I love the bay area a lot and with that being said. I love the SF Giants. So, I decided why the hell not go ahead and make some Beat LA and DODGERS SUCK cupcakes for this series when SF was in LA. So, that's exactly what I did. First of all, forgive me for using this shitty camera phone, the iphone rules, but at the same time the picture quality is shit compared to my old phone, which, I do miss and I wish I still had, but that can't happen, because I let someone barrow it and it 'accidentally' broke the next day, bullshit. Anyways, so they didn't come out great on photo as they were in person. It looked like I used paint on some of them and when people saw them they didn't believe it was 'buttercream' and not fondant. oh well, people are going to believe what they want to. So, here are the pictures chocolate cake and buttercream. I didn't eat any because I was pissed about the first game, but we won the last two and took the series and now we are trailing 1 and Padres lose ten games straight. Stoked I am. :)
Anyways, these are not the best, but I know I can do better next time. Maybe I'll do it again when LA comes to SF and I will have a better idea of what I want to do. They will be a million times better trust me. Uhhh, I don't know what else to say.....
Oh yeah, I forgot to sign up for this cake decorating contest at my damn school! :( I was stoked on it and I forgot the last day to sign up was on Friday. I am so sad. I could have won....
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