Alright, so I was worried I haven't even mentioned FEAR THE BEARD at all on this blog. WTF is wrong with me? I have no idea. SF GIANTS are World Series Champions. My life is almost complete (why almost?) I have 1) yet to see this trophy up close and personal 2) I haven't opened up my shop. 3) I have yet to meet and hang out with Willy ( Brian Wilson one of my favorite Giants, aside from, Torres) Anyways, many may know him as Brian Wilson, saver for the the SF Giants I know him as the best man alive. This dude has an extremely awesome personality and if I was trapped on an island I would definitely want him to be there with me. And I don't even know him, but from what I see in interviews and all that stuff he is amazing. Anyways, during the 2010 season SF Giants developed a whole lot of sweet and funny quotes, names, and just straight up fun with their fans and within their clubhouse. Some famous and most memorable names; Pat The Bat, Ross is Boss (SORRY DOC) which is Cody Ross spelled backwards, Huff Daddy (red thong), Bust da ball Posey, Pocket full of Poseys, "Can't spell busteR pOseY without spelling ROY (Rookie of the year), Andres the GIANT, UUUUUUUUUU-ribe, Panda, "Timmy for booty of the year" or better known as the FREAK, and the most famous and probably got the most glory was FEAR THE BEARD mainly because Wilson rocked it and Romo had his own going on, but really of the two the beard one feared the most had to be Wilson's.
So, we had a few parties going on during the playoffs and I decided to get creative and make some cupcakes with the 'SF Giants' theme.
I thought they were pretty rad looking.
and then here are picture of the ball park, buster posey shrine, and yeahhhhhh

Maybe next year it'll be fear the fro
but I can not wait!
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