I like raging about rad things. I like talking about gnarly things. But most of all I like baking sweet things. Like ya know cupcakes? and what I like better than that are pictures from people who eat Stay Sweet Cupcakes, or wear Stay Sweet Cupcakes shirts. Those rule more than ever. It warms my heart, which is hard to do. But it makes all my hard work worth it.
When I get sent pictures I get all excited and always think about tons of things to write. Then when I come to post about it, I forget what I wanted to say. Ha, fml. Anyways, these two dudes rule. vxdedxv does all of my sweet Stay Sweet songs, which mean a lot to me. He also helps with trying to get my name out there and real supportive which I think is sweet. So, make some time to check this dude out! He was on a comp cd with other vegan straight edge rappers.
Get on this train and check him already BandCamp(vxdedxv) Myspace(vxdedxv) and also: youtube(VXdedXV) and follow him on twitter: @vxdedxv
Just do it!
This next rad dude is John from pg. 63 wearing the first and only SSC shirt black on black, it was really hard to depart from this T-shirt since it was righteous. Just look at the damn picture its fucking rad, black on black. But I think it went to a good home and I'm glad he knows how to rock it. It was awesome meeting this dude a few months back when he toured with DEAD ICONS, Solid dudes and definitely worth checking out as well!

This dude keeps it DIY he helps run a small t-shirt company, record label, small distribution. Do yourself another favor and check what he has to offer out! Pg.63 and follow him on twitter: @pg63 and then spread the word to your friends and have them spread the word to their friends about these two awesome dudes.
Also, Stay Sweet Cupcakes has a new song posted! by VXdedXV its called "Stay Sweet Core" Get on the train and listen to it!
Stay Sweet Cupcakes Myspace
Also, You can download it if you like it and want to learn it and then sing it at the next show here:
Don't be afraid, just do it.
awesome! also it should be noted, if anyone wants to check out more of what vxdedxv has done... he appears a couple times on the XVX hop hop CD which is a prison support CD put out by a couple friends. (I actually did the artwork/layout for it for them also!) small world!
you can check it out at:
take care and hopefully I'll have all my shit straight to be able to come out there later this summer again!
Everything about this post rules!
I'll be heading to California next month.
Let's bake?!?!?
Down to bake! I've been wanting to try out some 'cheese' cake recipes!
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