I get crazy ideas and I get loads of influence when I am blogging, walking, sitting, sleeping, eating, window shopping, and webbing it. I am pretty stoked on some new recipes I have came across and some recipes that just floated into my head as I looked around at cupcakes and cupcake decorating tools. Whether I'm at the store or at home or even day dreaming in class I have new recipes on my mind, weird? Probably, but I don't care. I thought a lot about a few that will be mentioned and I have seen a few that I would love to veganized and try out. Soon, if not now. I hate that I can't just go out to the store and buy what I think I might need, because I'm broke. I will make them soon and I'm sure they will be a hit. At least thats what I'm hoping for... So the new flavors that I will be adding to the list of flavors already made and blogged about are listed below
-Potato Chip Chocolate Cupcake
-Blueberry Cobbler Cupcake
-Peach Cobbler Cupcake
-Drumstix Cupcake
-Mango Strawberry Cupcake
-Sweet Potato Pie cupcake
Maybe I'll have one of these recipes to share with ya next post.
For now this week I'm working on a few orders and checking out my favorite baseball team in the bay area to once again beat LA.
wait, how did I forget!
The other night which was possibly last week I had made my friends of VULGAR last show cupcakes I got the idea from another friend who text me "Jan make Vulgar cupcakes" at first I was like vulgar cupcakes, gross, okay. But then I realized he was talking about the band. ha ha. So, I decided fuck it sounds awesome and it would probably be the talk of the night, I don't know if it was. It probably wasn't. But they came out pretty fucking rad. I thought so. I don't usually do this type of decorating because my skillz suck duh look at the last post, haha. But I was down to do it anyways...Here they are. I was also listening to minor threat while I was destroying in the kitchen so yeah, that's how that rad cupcake got in there...btw I hate iphone pictures soooooo much I miss my old phone soooo much. :(
