But I will admit I've been lagging on this blog. Lagging hard. I apologize.
Personal problems have gotten in the way of that. I'm just getting back to 'normal' living. I won't bore you with all that, but just know that I will post a new cupcake picture in the next blog (later on today?)
For now, I've been getting so much support and orders its awesome.
As of Feb. 20th cupcakes at shows moved up to $1.00 ( I know, I know) .50 more isn't that bad! Its because ingredients for these bad babies are so so EXPENSIVE!! Of course they were before, but for some reason they risen up more than what I have in my pocket and have you seen gas prices lately? holy cup-cake! they are insane. And the bus now charges 1.25? really? Do I want to keep change in my pocket and who walks around with one damn quarter? not me! I rather walk around. What does this nation think we are robots? Oh, yeah, they do. I even higher the price for a dozen, not by much, I think a $1-1.50. Don't worry I'm sure I'm still the cheapest cupcake maker selling all this vegan gold to yall, so YOU WIN! WOOOOOO! Anyways, I just wanted to update this ghost town blogspot just in case someone anyone reads it and just assumed I was executed by the mighty cupcake gods. I'm still here. Destroying in kitchens and filling up those bellies.
GO TO THIS SHOW! Support these rad bands and this awesome venue ;)

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