

I haven't updated this in a while. So, since I'm up & have my phone with my & some time, I shall update. So, not much has been happening. I've been baking like crazy. Saturday (dec. 26th) I had this huge order that was last minute request but it was fun to make, plus I could use the extra cash. It was 3 dozen of Peanut Butter Bombz Away, 1 Cookies&Cream, & 1 Pumpkin Spice. I had tons of fun making them. I never knew my counter could hold 60 cupcakes at once. It was a success. Other than that on a side note I got this awesome cupcake recipe book from my grandma for xmas. She told me "i know you only bake vegan, maybe you can make the recipes vegan" I thought that was cute of her. All last week has been a crazy week. I lost out on tons of sleep. I had tons of orders to do. :) it was all worth it in the end. I think honestly in this past week I made about 200 or more cupcakes, just saying. I wouldn't have changed it though. There are 3 more days left until the year is over whic
h cupcake will be the last to be baked this year & which will be the first?



Party in your mouth cupcake (vegan)

If you like to party hard forget where you left your keys, your heart, your wallet, and your pride. These aren't your cupcakes. But, if you like to party, try new things out, take risk, this is your cupcake. These aren't the typical cupcake, frosting, swirl and into your mouth they go. They are more like a party in your mouth. With different flavors exploding into your mouth all at once, I don't think anyone really will understands how crazy one single cupcake can get. These are banana cake, with swirls of strawberry preserves, and finely chopped chocolate, thats just the cake. On top is my very favorite vanilla buttercream with chocolate ganache drizzled, to give it a crazy sundae look, added sprinkles, walnuts, and a cherry to complete it. Thats a whole lot for a cupcake, already sounds like a party just by its description. I made these for Fresno Fest 09 along with these other flavors: pumpkin spice, peanut butter bombs away, and cookies & cream. These were the first to sell out which I was glad they did, because I wasn't sure how people would respond to them. I didn't get a complaint so they must have been wild. One feedback I got from one person was "it felt like people were partying hard in my mouth and then throwing up and eating their throw up and started back up with the partying" whatever that means, sweet.



Vegan cupcakes have my heart forever more, xo.

Fresno Fest cupcakes
I will update about it later, now I'm off to the Title Fight show.



Fresno Fest 09

Tonight, evening or afternoon however you might want to look at it is Fresno Fest. Its the 6th annual done by Jeremy, I'm glad this fest is still going strong. Its crazy to think that this is the sixth year, I remember the first Fresno Fest it didn't seem that long ago, where has time gone?! shit. Well, I'm up late again deciding on what to bake. I wish I had sugar and oil though so I can get up and be ready to bake, instead I have to run to the store tomorrow morning. ugh, and then be ready by 3pm so I can hitch a ride with my mom to the fest, yes. 12 again, oh well gotta do what you gotta do. I really wish I knew what was wrong with the car, I hate depending on people. Its frustrating. I would bike but really carrying 4-5 dozens of cupcakes, patches, and my purse and a nine year old on my back isn't worth the risk, just saying. I will try to take as many pictures as I can so I blog about it later. Too bad this doesn't connect to twitter since I will be most likely updating from there most of the time. I will try to sneak a blog from my phone like I always do.





I had two orders to fill. One that was for a dozen of blueberry lemon cremé & peanut butter bombs. The other was cookies & cream & peppermint. It took me most of the day, but mo' money. just sayin' ha. Now, I want to just hang out with friends.



Now that they are all gone

I can finally start on a new sweet design.
No more DESCENDENTS (Everything Sucks) shirts.
If you got one, don't be shy and snap an awesome picture with your cute face, and the shirt one and send it to me, because you are officially the first and only person to own the best SSC shirt knock off. So, start taking those awesome myspace/facebook/makeoutclub photos you take and send one my way. :) Tell all your friends they lost out, because they aren't as cool as you wearing sweet shirts. I won't be making more of those. So, Thank you a ton for purchasing one, if you did. I really didn't think I was going to sell them all. Again, THANK YOU. But, don't be bummed out if you didn't get your hands on those. You can still show your love for a good punk rock band and cupcakes!! I still have a some patches left: FREE and 25 DESCENDENTS knock off buttons: $1 and 25 Stay Sweet Cupcakes buttons: $1. If you like buttons get your hands on one of those, 'cause once they are gone they are gone.
Stay Sweet forever more.



30 Minutes away, miles apart

the road is only as far as you make it seem. It can be the longest ride of your life. It can be the shortest adventure you'll ever need. For me the road is everything. I wish I met more of California road. I wish I met out of state road. The sweetest thing about traveling is having a cupcake or 24 awaiting your arrvial. Sweet! I can go on about the road for days. But I won't. I will start with these awesome folks who drove about 30 minutes to pick up some Stay Sweet Cupcakes from me. Really? 30 minutes. Thats gotta be a pretty damn good cupcake, if people are willing to hit the road for cupcakes, C'mon you know its good. Did I mention it was raining!!? Well, it was. I think it makes it totally worth the drive for a cupcake esp. a Stay Sweet Cupcake, real talk. Even if you are across the nation and you had a chance to try one, I bet you are wishing you had one by your side right about..........now. In the words of vxdedxv "Top notch cupcake, go ahead and try another brand if you want to know how butt taste" If you have not heard that song yet, go check it out: www.myspace.com/StaySweetCupcakes Back to Daniel and Leanne rad people! They were sweet enough to send me an email w/ pictures. Its always awesome when there are smiles and Stay Sweet Cupcakes in the same photo. How excited do they look? How yummy do those cupcakes look?

Thanks guys!


if your tired of looking at cupcakes for some odd reason check out this cool blogspot: http://sofarwithaheadsoempty.blogspot.com/


Its Good

to know that someone appreciates your hard work and doesn't try to be nice about it because they feel the need to. Since, I have been selling cupcakes at shows I have received many positive and nice comments about them. The only negative response I got from a person was from Jeremy, but he's an asshole. ha ha. I am not big on being in the spotlight, I don't like attention much, I'm not really social. I have met a lot of cool people that have passed through Fresno, at stores or at school that have purchased a cupcake or talked about baking. I guess for me my baking brings me out of my shell I like to stay in. I am usually quiet and won't say a word at all if I didn't have to. Truth is as much as I hate attention when my good baking is recognized I sort of like it. The compliments make me feel good, actually GREAT. So, Thank YOU to anyone who has ever had anything nice to say about what I do, it truly means a lot to me even if I don't show it. I do appreciate the positive feedbacks aside from punk rock those comments make life for me 10x better. Thanks again!


I need to start investing in buying cupcake inserts and boxes.


buttons buttons buttons Muthafuckas

Stay sweet has buttons now thanks to Corina! Check her site and what she has to offer out support DIY (www.myspace.com/512065076).
I will be getting them just in time for Fresno Fest, which is a week away, I am excited too much.
These buttons are out of 25 each design. So, get them while I have them at a $1 each! Don't be afraid to grab two or five. :)
Speaking of Fresno Fest I will be selling cupcakes there as well! $1 each too! plus I will be giving away free patches and bankrobber demos (www.myspace.com/bankrobberhc) get into them. This picture is just a first pressing of the first two buttons to see how the design came out so if anything looks off centered or unable to read it was just a test press. Like I have said in past blogs if you want a button shipped out to you hit me up via email. We can work something out. I'm saving all of my energy on baking for next weekend. I will try to update during the week but mind you, its finals week.

If you have a myspace add Stay Sweet's myspace page:




Silk Nog cupcakes

You know the classic egg nog that is around during the last month of the year? Yeah, well so is this silk nog for people who can't drink regular shit that ends up hurting them in the furture (late night stomach pains). Well, I thought why the hell isn't this brought up more often? I mean egg nog seems to rule why aren't there many baked goods its used in? The reason? I don't know. All I know is that not many understand how much better everything is cupcake form. Just sayin' ;-). So, I decided to take the basic vanilla cupcake recipe and substitute the silk nog instead of soymilk & delicious it was. Keep in mind I have never had egg nog in my life so I didn't know what to expect. It was good. Tonight I have an order for egg nog cupcakes I'm excited to bake away.



Cupcake contest, Stay Sweet jingle, & winner

So, today (12/10/2009) was the cupcake contest! It ruled. Kind of I had to sit in for a band to play & then another. Just sayin' when its not my cup of tea music it can be a dragg. So after waiting and sitting for two hours they finally annouced a winner. I won for best tasting, of course. Ha ha. Jk. But I submitted my famous Peanut Butter Bombs. I won. But really I mean I think I won for all three catorgies: best tasting, best decorative, & most creative. It taste good, it was decorated fancy, & it was creative peanut butter cupcake!?! Yeah..so I uploaded pictures from that! Then I get home check my email & got an email from my friend vxdedxv who sent me the best damn jingle ever. For stay sweet! Its been on repeat since I downloaded it,ha! This day treated me well!

ps add the myspace: www.myspace.com/staysweetcupcakes



Stay Sweet Joins Myspace

So, since no one really understands a blog and I had some time on my hands today, instead of studying my ass off, I decided to make Stay Sweet a myspace. I know its probably a waste but if you read this and have a myspace add it! please, spread the word. Thats all for today.
Tomorrow is the cupcake contest, I'm excited.



Strawberry lemon tall cupcakes (vegan)

So, its that time where Fall isn't falling through the sun is still out & if your lucky you'll catch a sweat rather than a chill. It happens esp. In California. I guess since most people think it can't possibly ever get cold here. But it does, it hasn't gotten to the point where I cry about it but it has gotten to the point where my knuckles chapped up which never happens. So, I guess its pretty cold. Eh, I'm still not feeling it. Or it could be I don't wanr to let go of Summer I still have hope. But I rather wear layers of clothes than shorts & tank tops and get darker, it happens. Enjoy these pictures it will probably be the last strawberry cupcake this year.
