
A few things I need....

-Shirts made for this Summer
-more buttons for this Summer
-more patches for this Summer
and a table at sound and fury or for beartrap or pow to play so I can use some of their table space <3 :)

Also, I need a ride to California Uber Alles Fest if you can help me out that'd be radd. I got gas money and if I trusted my car I would go, but I don't know, I'm tempted so bad I just want to enjoy bands and get a few interviews for my documentary..
Anyways, I give you the COWlifornia
why cow? I don't know for some reason when I think of cream cheese I think of a cow and so this version of a cupcake I made with lemon cream cheese instead of a lemon buttercream and they were pretty yummy I also tried this new brand called Follow Your Heart, it wasn't bad. I manage to stop at one cupcake and my roommates ate the rest..ha.

(vegan friendly)

Maybe I'll introduce this cupcake at the show on Friday
Cherry Cola Cupcake...


Meet SammieCake (famous kid classic sandwich + cupcake)

Here it is.
A fairly new cupcake.
Who does not enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with bananas?
Well, if you don't, then maybe you should stop reading...now and if you do I have a special cupcake. Its a sammiecake get it? sandwich and cupcake? it made more sense before I said it.

if you have a better name let me know

Here its featured on a platter next to mint chocolate cupcakes and peanut butter bombs, and giant chocolate chip cookies
They were left last but people finally gave in and bought them I'm not sure what or how people reacted towards them, but I don't think one can go wrong with peanut butter..right? Unless you hate peanuts

Whole wheat cake, peanut butter, jelly, and caramelized bananas.
Eat. Your. Heart. Out.
or whatever



The Lady Gaga "Cherry Cherry BOOM BOOM!"

Fans of the gaga or just fans of cupcakes.
This is for you.

I will admit I've listened, jammed, and sang along to a few gaga songs. I'm not the crazy fan who will dress up like a condom or light bolt to prove I listen to her or "express" how I feel towards the world, but I listen to her.

While making this cupcake I didn't want it to look like shit piled on shit I wanted it to look cute, yummy, and delicious and the original name for it wasn't "the gaga" and my skills in the kitchen have improved. So I thought it would be fair to blog about this awesome cupcake again since it looks way better than the first time I've ever made it. So, I just had this song stuck in my head forever after spending a few days with one of my younger sisters, the 15 year old one, and hearing the words "Cherry cherry boom boom..." how ever else it goes constantly coming out of her mouth other than "whatever jan, shut up jan, omgah jan." and being schooled that it was a lady gaga song.

That is when it hit me
"cherry cherry BOOM BOOM!"

(Chocolate cherry cake, cherry buttercream, cherry sauce, chocolate ganache)




I'm not dead the cupcake gods have not executed me...yet! I'm still alive!
But I will admit I've been lagging on this blog. Lagging hard. I apologize.

Personal problems have gotten in the way of that. I'm just getting back to 'normal' living. I won't bore you with all that, but just know that I will post a new cupcake picture in the next blog (later on today?)

For now, I've been getting so much support and orders its awesome.

As of Feb. 20th cupcakes at shows moved up to $1.00 ( I know, I know) .50 more isn't that bad! Its because ingredients for these bad babies are so so EXPENSIVE!! Of course they were before, but for some reason they risen up more than what I have in my pocket and have you seen gas prices lately? holy cup-cake! they are insane. And the bus now charges 1.25? really? Do I want to keep change in my pocket and who walks around with one damn quarter? not me! I rather walk around. What does this nation think we are robots? Oh, yeah, they do. I even higher the price for a dozen, not by much, I think a $1-1.50. Don't worry I'm sure I'm still the cheapest cupcake maker selling all this vegan gold to yall, so YOU WIN! WOOOOOO! Anyways, I just wanted to update this ghost town blogspot just in case someone anyone reads it and just assumed I was executed by the mighty cupcake gods. I'm still here. Destroying in kitchens and filling up those bellies.



GO TO THIS SHOW! Support these rad bands and this awesome venue ;)